Please feel free to add your comments and share your stories about Piatt Castles. Whether you visited when you were a child, gave tours when you were in high school, were married on the grounds, or had any other experience here we'd love to hear how Piatt Castles has played a role in your life. All of your stories together make up our story.

Sunday, March 18, 2012

Blogging in 1916

It seems a little odd to be blogging about putting together an exhibit.  I mean, I find it pretty interesting work, but that doesn't mean anyone else should care.   I still think it's weird, but aparently there's a long tradition of this anomoly.  On May 1, 1916 William McCoy Piatt had this notice printed in the Daily Examiner:

William Piatt, of Mac-a-cheek, was in
Bellefontaine on Monday.  He is having a
catalogue of his large collection of valuable
relics printed in the Ginn shop.  Visitors to
Mac-a-heek will have an opportunity to view
this collection as soon as the season opens.

When I read it I thought, "why the heck did he put this in the paper?"  Then I thought, "oh, I should put that in the blog."  Then I laughed out loud.  

For the past 100 years we've been working to connect what we do to the community around us.  In 2012 that community is so much larger than William McCoy ever could have imagined when he opened his home for tours in 1912, but our goals are the same.  Piatt Castles is full of great stories and fascinating artifacts.  William McCoy wanted to share those stories and artifacts with his neighbors, and we want to share them with you.

The catalog mentioned in the news clipping will be featured in the new exhibits we're creating about the centennial.  It is amazing to see how much has changed and how much has stayed the same.

Cover page from William McCoy Piatt's 1916 Souvenir Book

Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Spring Break

Photo from the original 1912 Souvenir Booklet
The academic world can be so all-consuming that other things tend to slip to the bottom of the to-do list.  Last week, Mom was on her spring break from teaching at Urbana University.  As a result she had time to send me approximately 40 thousand emails.  She and I are very alike in that once we get going on a project we get very excited and find it hard to stop.  This week I'm on my spring break from Carnegie Mellon.  In addition to catching up on some much-needed sleep I am going through those 40 thousand emails and getting my part of the Centennial preparations ready.  Yesterday I ordered a bunch of cool stuff for the gift shop including shirts, coffee mugs, neat wooden key chains, and more.  Today I need to do some exhibit layout work.  We're also planning out what we're going to do for our 100th Birthday Party over Labor Day weekend.  Any suggestions?